Minnesotans are proud of our unique state. Minnesota is a leader in health care, education, and environmental protections. We need to continue to lead so that Minnesota remains a great place to work and raise a family.


Environmental Protection
In our era of accelerating climate change, Kelly believes we must reduce carbon emissions and prepare for our changing future, while working to protect our environment and natural resources here in Minnesota.
  • As a 6th generation Minnesotan, Kelly is proud of our state’s history of protecting our lakes, rivers, and wetlands, and believes that we need to continue that legacy for generations to come.
  • Minnesota is already on the cutting edge of renewable energy. Kelly believes that we should work to lead the nation toward a renewable energy standard, while creating thousands of quality 21st century jobs in wind and solar power right here in our state.
  • Protecting pollinators and moving away from the use of dangerous pesticides are priorities of Kelly’s. She chief authored the Lawns to Legumes program, which helps Minnesotans transition traditional turf lawns to pollinator friendly habitats.
  • Kelly has been a leader in the effort to protect Minnesota’s water. She is the chief author of bills to protect our lakes from aquatic invasive species; several bills to protect Minnesota’s water, land, wildlife, and taxpayers from copper sulfide mining; and a bill to create a 50 year water plan to ensure that Minnesota has an adequate supply of clean water for the next 50 years.

Accomplishments:  Kelly Morrison has chief authored 28 bills that are now law in Minnesota.

Paid for by Kelly Morrison for Minnesota Senate
PO Box 684, Wayzata, MN 55391